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A Fun Life
Is Within Reach

Creative Conversations with Janet Jean

It would be my pleasure to gift you a session. Just click the "Book Now" button then click on "Gifted Session".
Limited to one per client



Defining "coaching" is difficult because it means something different to everyone.


Here is MY definition:

It's a "space" where you and I together create an opportunity to really think about life. I will deeply listen to you and ask questions (some serious, some fun, some you may not like). I am going to be curious and help you think about what you really want and why you want it, maybe see what's in the way or what has to start (or stop) happening in order for you to get it.


Just a beautiful opportunity for you and I to come together and for you to spend some time on you.


I will help you see what you cannot see or realize the truth about something that maybe blocking you. Your whole world will shift...and then you will create in ways you thought were impossible.


CHANGE IS ALWAYS CHALLENGING...that is why we all need a life coach. Life doesn't have to be so hard. Work with a coach and make it easier.



You WILL see YOUR truth.

Realize something.

Make a choice.

Work out the fear.

Take action.

Change is inevitable!


You may get homework too 


Serious Conversation

Life is Happening. Don't Wait. Create it.

Maybe you've had numerous ideas of things you've always wanted to do like traveling, pursuing your dream career, overcoming personal challenges or fears, learning a new skill or creating more time for a hobby like golf (wait, that's me!), or maybe something like moving or owning your own business, but none of them have come to fruition ~ yet the ideas are still there?

You’re undeniably intelligent, but you consistently have a feeling like you want something more.


Life isn’t how you thought it would be. You long for a deeper sense of fulfillment that seems just out of reach. 


There’s something inside you that is seeking a greater purpose, a missing piece that will show you the path to true happiness and fulfillment.


You know that something needs to change, but aren’t sure exactly what that is. 


Let's Connect

Bubble Teas by the Beach_edited.jpg
Path with Plants

For years I struggled with the feeling of being unworthy. It is a heavy burden which has led me down a path of total unhappiness which totally amplified the drama in my life.


I have felt unfulfilled and lost for as long as I can remember.  Unworthiness and self-doubt was my life...and I didn't even know it.


I finally hit the “bottom” everyone talks about. I found myself sitting on the edge of my bed, questioning the very purpose of my existence, wondering if there’s something more meaningful to life because if this is all there is, I’ve contemplated whether it’s worth continuing.


It’s now my mission to help women feel empowered, valued, and capable of reclaiming their worth and strength, enabling them to thrive in every aspect of their life.


Choose the thriving's way more fun!

Friends talking

How Can I Help?

In my signature coaching packages, I’ll help guide you to take back control of YOUR life.  I've done it.  I can help you do it too!!


Together, we will uncover what needs to shift in your life so you can finally feel excited to live the life you are wanting to live and DO the things you have been wanting to do (and yes, you deserve to have it!).

Dream BIG


Take the RISK



Ready to find what's missing in YOUR life? 


It would be my pleasure to gift you a session.  Contact me here

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